Strengthening Access and Affordability of Treatments for Unmet Medical Needs

Rare Disease Therapeutics

Providing Accessible and Affordable Rare Disease Medications for the Indian Market.

In an era marked by remarkable technological advancements and unprecedented opportunities, it becomes our societal responsibility to leverage these possibilities. Laurus is deeply committed to this responsibility, and our belief in making Rare Disease Drugs more accessible and affordable stands at the forefront. By introducing medications for unmet therapies, we aim not only to assist patients but also to alleviate the social and economic burden associated with various health conditions in society.



Trientine Tetrahydrochloride 333mg

TriLaWil is employed in the treatment of Wilson's disease, a rare inherited disorder characterized by the accumulation of copper in the liver, brain, and other vital organs. Typically diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 35, Wilson’s disease disrupts the normal process of copper absorption from food, leading to its buildup in the body.

Copper plays a crucial role in the development of healthy nerves, bones, collagen, and the skin pigment melanin. In individuals with Wilson's disease, impaired copper elimination through the liver results in life-threatening levels of accumulation. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for significantly improving the Quality of Life (QOL) for patients.


Nitisinone, 2mg, 5mg, 10mg

Lasinone is prescribed for the treatment of Tyrosinemia, also known as tyrosinaemia. Tyrosinemia is an inborn error in metabolism, resulting in the body's inability to break down the amino acid tyrosine. Untreated tyrosinemia can lead to liver and kidney disturbances, and if left unmanaged, it may progress to liver failure.